How to Update phone number, home, address and email


This article is for updating you profile information such as home address, personal email, and phone number in Student self service. This process page is generally for students self service  but the same process for staff and faculty by using employee self service.

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 Not all programs are available in all states. A change of address may impact which programs are available to you. Please contact your advisor with any questions.

If you have submitted a Graduation Application form, please be aware that submitting an address change here will NOT update your diploma mailing address. You may update your diploma mailing address by emailing the Office of the Registrar.

How to:

Log into My portal and then navigate to self service-student on the left side of the page in the shortcuts section. 

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This will redirect you to the ellucian page. On the right top corner of the page, is your profile where you will find your user name Displayed. Click on your user name once and a drop list will appear were you should click on the tab that say User profile.

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under your profile you will see sections to change your email address, home address and phone number.

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Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If you need to change the address where you reside, select the edit option (pencil icon) to edit the existing address coded as the "Permanent" address. If you need to provide an additional address that is different from where you reside, click the Add New Address icon, enter the information, and select the type of "Local".

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Address information must be updated annually. If the current information displayed is correct, click Confirm.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)