This article details how to attach a file to your discussion post for a course in D2L.
How to:
When you are making discussion posts for your courses, you may be asked to attach a file to your post. To do this, please follow these steps.
1. With the discussion post editor open, look for a section above the "post" button that says "Drop files here, or click below!" If you have the file browser open in another window, you can simply drag the file from that window into this spot to upload the file. Otherwise we will start with the first button within this box that says "Upload".

2-A. To upload a file from your computer, click on the button that says "Upload"

After you click this, a file browser window will open. Navigate to where your file is on your computer, select it, and then click the "open" button to upload the file.

2-B. You can also record a 30 second video with the "Record Video" button. This will take you to another window with an option to record a webcam video. Once you record the video, you can click the "Add" button to attach the file to your discussion.

Depending on your browser, a small window may appear asking for you to allow the site to use your cameras and microphones, please select the option that best suits you. (Note: Clicking "Don't Allow" will not let you record, though this can be changed in browser settings)

2-C. Click "Choose Existing" if you have a file you've already uploaded to a linked google drive or a file that is in your D2L locker.

This will generate a new window where you can choose which existing source your file is in.

3. After you have attached a file using any of the above methods, the name of your file and a link to the file preview should appear under the buttons. This means it will be attached to the post once you wish to publish it. If you wish to remove this file you can click on the "X" to the right of the file name.