Colleague - How to Login


You are a Columbia College Employee that needs to access Colleague


How to:

  1. Sign into your myPortal Dashboard by going to and clicking login in the upper right hand cornerUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Once you are signed in on the left hand side under shortcuts you should find a link for Colleague UI, clicking on this link will direct you to Colleague. (You should be automatically signed in from there, If you are not automatically signed in then sign in same as you would for myPortal, this should prompt you to complete an MFA check.)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


  1. If you do not see this listed under shortcuts then do a search for Colleague in the myPortal search bar at the top of the dash boardUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    You can also add this to your shortcuts by clicking View all on the Tools tab on the left of the Dashboard then searching Colleague UI. Clicking on the star next to Colleague UI will add this as a shortcut for you.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Quick Tips:

  • If you are working off campus, you must be signed into VPN in order to access Colleague remotely.
  • If prompted to sign in and you are getting an incorrect password error then try and reset your password and try signing in again.
  • Not everyone has access to Colleague, if you believe you should have access then please let your supervisor know so that they can request that access be granted.


Any further issues please reach out for assistance by submitting a ticket through this portal or by calling the Solutions Center at 573-875-4357 so that you can get assistance.