Cougar Mail - Signing in After a Name Change


How to sign into your new Cougar Mail address after your username and address has been updated to the new name after a Name Change form has been accepted.



Personal Name changes with Columbia College


How to:

If a customer changes their name, they will receive an email from Student Records that their name has changed. If the user changes their name, in most cases, the username will change for the customer.

Because of the name change, the customer will have a new username and NEW Cougarmail address.

The email that is received confirming the name change should also include the new username. All that needs to be done at this point is to sign in with the new name.

Login with the new and the same Password that was used before the name change. If you get an error that says the password is incorrect then you can reset the password here and try again


Special information about Cougar mail addresses:

When the customer attempts to access Cougar mail, they will be directed to their old Cougar mail address from their former name. The old account will not longer be tied to the Columbia College correspondence or class emails. They will have a new account and all college correspondence will begin to go there.

Have the customer sign out of the old account. And sign into their new account.

a.       Click the Picture or Account icon in the Cougar mail account, click Sign Out or Add Account

b.       Enter the new (be sure is present, otherwise enter the full email address)

c.        Enter the  myPortal password.

d.       They may be prompted for security information, (phone/email)

e.       They will be directed to the new inbox.


NOTE: The old account email will not be accessible anymore. Any new emails or correspondences going forward will go to the new cougar mail account.



Article ID: 1956
Thu 12/16/21 10:00 AM
Tue 4/23/24 1:10 PM