D2L - Checking Grades and Feedback


Details how to view grades and feedback from inside D2L courses. Would be useful for new students as well as helpdesk employees that cannot see D2L student views.



This article details how to view your grades and feedback on assignments inside D2L 


How to:

At any point during your course, you can check your grade as well as feedback on specific assignments.  

To view your grades and feedback follow these steps: 

1. Go to the course you wish to view grades for 

2. Click on the "Grades" tab from the top bar of the course page

3. The next page will have your grades, broken down by week.  Here you can see your cumulative grade so far, as well as grades for individual assignments and the feedback for those assignments.  

4. From here you should be able to see your grades, if there are any issues with this page please Submit a Helpdesk Ticket or call the helpdesk at 573-875-4357



Article ID: 22644
Tue 11/19/24 10:54 AM
Mon 2/10/25 3:29 PM