D2L - View Teacher Highlights


Details how to view highlighted sections in the vitalsource e-text



This article details how to view highlights in your VitalSource e-text for your courses you can find in D2l.  Some instructors will offer their own highlighted sections of the textbook for students to reference. 


How to:

When you are enrolled in a course your instructor may allow you to view highlighted sections of the e-textbook provided for your course.  To view these highlights follow the following steps. 

1.  Make sure that you are in the course that you wish to view the textbook for, click on the "eText Access" link at the top bar of the course. 

2. Open the e-text for your course in the next tab. 

3. Once in the e-text page, please click in the top right where there is an icon that looks like a page with a star in the bottom right corner of it. This will show a window to the right that has highlights.  The ones from your instructor will be denoted with their initials. 

4. If you wish to filter by only your instructor's highlights please click the three dots icon next to the highlighter colors.  You should see colors with what looks like a person in them, these ones are going to be the ones that your instructor or anyone else you are following though VitalSource had made.  This will then show only the selected colored highlights from that user. 


5. If you cannot see the highlights, please reach out to your instructor.  If you have problems with your VitalSource account, please email support@vitalsource.com



Article ID: 23794
Wed 1/8/25 5:12 PM
Wed 3/5/25 4:46 PM