Order your transcripts with Parchment

Problem Description:

Customer would like to order official Transcripts.

Problem Resolution:

Transcripts can be ordered as follows:

1. Navigate to https://www.ccis.edu/offices/registrar/transcripts.aspx

2. In the Request transcripts section, click the Parchment link.

3. Enter your Login, click Sign In.

Note: The Parchment account is separate from any other Columbia College account. First-time users will need to create an account before ordering transcripts.

If the customer has never setup an account before, click Create Account

4. Follow the steps to order transcripts.

If there are questions regarding transcripts or ordering transcripts contact:

Office of the Registrar

1001 Rogers Street

Columbia, MO 65216

(573) 875-7526


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Article ID: 3138
Wed 2/9/22 3:06 PM
Wed 3/30/22 4:36 PM