Ordering Official Transcripts - Parchment


How to Order official Transcripts through Parchment as a Columbia College student or alumni.

How to:

  1. Navigate to https://www.ccis.edu/offices/registrar/transcripts.aspx
    1. This link describes our Transcript Services fully with instructions on how to order and send Transcripts.
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    2. Select "Parchment" from Step Number One.
      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Your Parchment account is separate from any other Columbia College account. First-time users will need to create an account before ordering transcripts.
  3. Fill out Transcript order form and submit a payment
  4. If you have any further questions about signing into Parchment, accessing your Transcripts, payment, or policies related to transcripts, please reach out to the Office of the Registrar at (573) 875-7526 or Transcripts@CCIS.edu​​​​​​​