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This is the process for how to reset your password if you have forgotten it or it has expired.
Navigating staff and account owners on how to switch between accounts or add a new account to Outlook in the application as well as on the browser or website version.
Instructions on how to add your Cougar Mail address to the Outlook Client.
Navigating current students how to find the list of applicant and student forms within their myPortal account.
Common forms student/applicants need such as Name Change, Change of Degree Requests, Parking Permit, Study Abroad Application, etc.. are all located within these form lists.
This article explains the different between the username/email formats needed to sign into applications or websites that CC utilizes for students and staff.
How to update personal information for contact and account recovery within myPortal.
Common links for account management tools.
Requires user who is locked out of their Cougar Mail to contact the Solution Center.
Navigation for students and staff on how to switch between accounts in myPortal and their Cougarmail/Gmail.
Students and staff often have multiple Gmail or Azure related accounts and this is specifically to help them toggle between said accounts.
This article is to assist with the step by step process of claiming your new account with Columbia College