CC Username - myPortal, Microsoft, Cougar Mail


Columbia College assigns staff and students with a College Username (ex: jmdoe123), as well as with an email address (ex: or
Different applications require different "username or email formats"


How to:

When coming across a Microsoft sign in screen you will input your username format as "" (ex:
You may come across a Microsoft sign in when trying to sign into myPortal, Outlook or other Microsoft Office applications provided by CC, or within certain links in myPortal.

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When coming across a Columbia College sign in page that resembles what is pictured below, you will input your username format as "username" (ex: jmdoe123).
You may come across this particular sign in page when trying to navigate through specific Forms in myPortal.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

When trying to access your Cougar Mail, a Gmail account provided by Columbia college for Students, Alumni, and Adjuncts or Instructors, you will input your username format as "" (ex:
You will come across this sign in when trying to add your Cougar Mail address to or a Gmail/Mail app.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

For all of these particular sign in methods, you will use the same password you have most recently set with Columbia College. If you receive a password error you will need to reset it through

If you are having any troubles, please submit a guest ticket through or give us a call at 573-875-4357 so we can help you further, thank you.


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Mon 10/31/22 10:34 AM
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