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How to add, update, or delete signatures within Microsoft Outlook
A list of troubleshooting steps for the PhishNotify Outlook add-in.
Navigating staff and account owners on how to switch between accounts or add a new account to Outlook in the application as well as on the browser or website version.
Instructions on how to add your Cougar Mail address to the Outlook Client.
How to get to your Microsoft Outlook widget in myPortal.
The troubleshooting and how to steps for the Share Calendar function in Microsoft Outlook.
How to save an email as a file within Outlook.
How to locate any archived emails in your Microsoft Outlook application.
Common configuration pop-up within Microsoft Outlook and how to manage it.
Instructions on how to have your Cougar Mail emails forward to a different email address, either for proxy, personal email use, etc.
Navigation on how to add your Cougar Mail address to the Microsoft Outlook application.
This document is intended for use to turn on and off Out of Office replies in the Outlook desktop client and the Outlook Webmail.
This article describes how to update your local cached global address book in Outlook.