Articles (23)

Microsoft 365 - Updating Authentication Methods

How to update or add a new method for multi-factor authentication (MFA) .

Microsoft Office - Converting Google Doc to a Word Doc

How to convert a Google Document to a Word Document.

Microsoft Office 365 - Install for Employee

How to install Microsoft Office 365 as an employee for Columbia College without charge.

Microsoft OneDrive - Uploading Files to Google Drive

This article provides steps for students to migrate files from a OneDrive account to their Google Drive accounts.

Microsoft Outlook - Configuration Settings Pop-Up

Common configuration pop-up within Microsoft Outlook and how to manage it.

Microsoft Outlook - Install Microsoft Outlook App on Mobile

How to install the Microsoft Outlook application on your mobile device to manage emails.

Microsoft Outlook - Locating Archived Emails

How to locate any archived emails in your Microsoft Outlook application.

Microsoft Outlook - Saving Email as a File

How to save an email as a file within Outlook.

Microsoft Outlook - Signatures

How to add, update, or delete signatures within Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook - Unable to Share Calendar

The troubleshooting and how to steps for the Share Calendar function in Microsoft Outlook.

myPortal - MS Outlook Widget

How to get to your Microsoft Outlook widget in myPortal.

Outlook - Update Global Address Book

This article describes how to update your local cached global address book in Outlook.

PhishNotify Button in Outlook

A list of troubleshooting steps for the PhishNotify Outlook add-in.

SharePoint subscription issues

Resolution for "no email address" shown when subscribing to SharePoint alerts.